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Debora E. May,  Co-Founder of May Barnhard Investments, Named to Bethesda Magazine’s 2022 List of Top Financial Professionals Thumbnail

Debora E. May, Co-Founder of May Barnhard Investments, Named to Bethesda Magazine’s 2022 List of Top Financial Professionals

MBI News

Debora E. May, co-founder of May Barnhard Investments (MBI) and a senior advisor at Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell, MBI's parent company, was named to Bethesda Magazine’s 2022 list of top financial professionals. Professionals named to this list were selected through a Bethesda Magazine-managed peer review process of other regional financial advisors who were asked who they would entrust with their clients’ work if they were unavailable to handle it themselves. The firm's approach to comprehensive service combines tax and financial planning with investment advisory expertise to help each client meet his/her unique financial goals.

“Earning trust is essential before clients will rely on us to look after their long-term financial welfare,” said May. “I take this role seriously especially when our team is called upon to help each client navigate a unique set of life transitions. I am honored to be recognized by Bethesda Magazine and those who acknowledged us during the survey process.” 

During the pandemic, May responded to the financial concerns of clients by launching a quarterly series of market investment webinars, through which she and colleagues shared their expertise to help clients navigate a period of financial uncertainty. The sessions, which drew an immediate audience, continue to this day. May also supports ongoing professional education for clients in financial planning and divorce finance-related issues either directly or in collaboration with industry associations and other partners. 


A slightly edited version of this blog originally appeared in an advertisement in the November-December 2022 issue of Bethesda Magazine paid for by May Barnhard Investments to recognize MBI team members named to Bethesda Magazine's 2022 Top Financial Professionals recognition program. No assumption regarding the quality of the professionals' services should be made based on the title of the recognition program. Nor should the appearance of our team members on this list suggest they appear on any other Top Financial Professionals list not associated with this program. 

While neither MBI nor its named team members, individually, provided quid pro quo payment or sponsorship support to be named to the list, the advertisement which appeared in the magazine was paid for by the firm. 

Bethesda Magazine's 2022 list of top financial professionals are those who earned the greatest number of endorsements from peers during a specific time period for 2022 only. Professionals could not nominate themselves. Click here to read a full disclaimer provided by Bethesda Magazine.