(Past) What's Next? Managing Risk in Uncertain Times: Top 3 Actions to Take Now
This Event Has Passed, See Below for A Video Recording of the Presentation
On Wednesday, May 20, Debbie May, CPA, CFP®, CDFA®, senior investment officer, and Alex Seleznev, MBA, CFP®, CFA, senior portfolio strategist, delivered an update on the investment markets. They addressed, in particular, some of the top action items to consider in these times of unprecedented market turmoil.
- What should you be doing right now?
- Are you worried about potential inflation and lower expected yields from your portfolio?
- How does this market affect your bond allocation?
- What tax strategies should I consider today?
These and other action points will be discussed in a complimentary virtual event on Wednesday, May 20 from 1 to 2 pm.
Click here to view a video recording of the presentation on Councilor, Buchanan & Mitchell's YouTube